Hispanic Counseling Center is a multi-service agency that provides bilingual treatment and prevention services for chemical dependency, mental illness, and youth and family programs, serving over 1,400 clients per month, in an environment of hope and encouragement for people working toward a constructive, self-sustaining way of life.
We are often asked to define or describe our client and a torrent of words come to our minds to try to capture the essence of the people who walk through our doors daily. One of the unequivocal descriptions is that he or she is a family member, a father, a mother, a sister or brother. A second identifier is that he or she is a member of the Latino community for whom the HCC was created and for whom we exist day after day, year after year. The third commonality is that he or she is afflicted by a personal issue.
Clients all walk through our doors burdened by seemingly insurmountable barriers. Most have left their native countries literally fleeing war, abject poverty and perhaps repression. Others have come in search of a better life in the land of opportunity and plenty. Adjustment to a new country, however, is difficult. There is the language barrier, a new culture and, sometimes, outright discrimination. Those who have experienced war suffer from the aftereffects or, more clinically, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. These are all people in transition, people who need help to transform the barriers into challenges that can be overcome.